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Business Dr. Tammira Lucas Shares Successful Tips For 2016

Jae Rich

Hey Everyone!! Happy New Year! So I know my blog is all about entertainment and food and lifestyle topics, but I too am an budding entrepreneur finding my way through this world and industry.

I reached out to my good friend Tammira Lucas who is an amazing success coach  and asked her to lend some amazing advice for some of my entrepreneurs for 2016. So for all my amazing creative people building brands, I hope you find some of these tips cool and helpful!

Let’s start out with some Do’s and Don’t’s for business in 2016


Do have a plan. No plan means no guidance which means NO RESULTS.

Do have SPECIFIC revenue goals. Don’t just have a goal have a specific goal especially as it relates to MONEY! WITHOUT money you just have a hobby.

Do educate yourself. Be mindful that the best leaders are ones that constantly educate themselves. Find things you aren’t so great at and educate yourself. For example, if you aren’t the best with social media marketing be one of my VIP guest on February 20th in Washington DC. at my Launch Grow and Soar Social Media workshop [click here to register].


Don’t feel like you have to do everything at one time. This is the biggest mistake I see so many people make. They rush to put something out there but don’t think everything ALL the way through. Execution is important in business, so you want to do it RIGHT the first time. I mean first impressions are lasting impressions.

Don’t start the year without a vision board. It’s so important to visualize your year in advance. Ensure you include motivational quotes to keep you motivated through this journey it can get rough at times!

Don’t continue in business WITHOUT a coach or mentor. You don’t know everything. You need someone that will hold you accountable and guide you along the way!

Now that you have your business do’s and don’ts for 2016 I want to share more specifically some social media tips that you should include in your 2016 social media plan.

Tip 1. Create a social media plan. A social media plan is separate from your traditional marketing plan. It’s very important to have a separate plan because social media requires a lot of time by itself. You need to plan it out in order to not waste time and to not get overwhelmed with this form of marketing.

Tip 2. Get on Periscope. If you are not down with live broadcasting of some sort sorry to tell you that 2016 will only include a bigger trend of this! Get on board or fall overboard!!

Tip 3. Include video in your social media marketing. 2015 had an increase in videos but 2016 will demand you utilize compelling videos in your social media marketing. Videos average 62% more engagement than photos and video shares increased 43% at the start of this year!

Finally I want to share some budgeting tips that you can apply to your business in 2016. Face it if you aren’t able to manage your money or invest it in the right places you will probably end up on the business fail list. Here are some simple money tips you can use:

Tip 1. Invest in your business before you invest in shoes or anything else you don’t really need. Do you really need that extra pair of shoes? Shirt? Etc. Write down a list of things you need to spend money on in your business and put it in your wallet. Every time you go to swipe your card or spend cash will it be towards your business? The more money you invest in your business the more you will get out. It’s just that simple.

Tip 2. Before investing in tools for your business do your research. Last year I had many clients waste money before working with me because they did not do their research. The tool or product did not produce the results they desired. You want to look for tools that will help you spend less time in your business but make more money. As my uncle Marcus Lemonis would say “People, Process and Product” is the key to a successful business.

This was a lot of fun sharing my tips and tricks with you for 2016. I hope that you apply these things to your business and soar in 2016.

The Business Dr.

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