Philly makes history again! Somedays I’m uberly proud of my city and this time I was so captivated by how much people were super involved once the DNC (Democratic National Convention) came to the city.
Pandemonium isn’t event the word I want to use to describe the craziness that took place in the city for the past week. Unfortunately I didn’t have any press credentials to this national event but I did take part in a few cool things around the city.
There were so many events going on the city that you were honestly a fool if you didn’t participate in something. Me and my girlfriend took advantage of our student discount and purchased some tickets to The Political Fest which were exhibits setup to chronicalize historical political events. Not only were the exhibits really cool but just the political atmosphere amongst the city was enough to just take part of.
This election is definitely one for the books and ” I am with her”. Go Hilary!
[bctt tweet=” I am with her. Go Hillary!” via=”no”]
Check out some of the pics

Images by me